‘Hate Crime Awareness Week’ online event is tomorrow!

Please join us in this insightful discussion to raise awareness on Hate Crime.

The topics will include the role of Prevention, Intervention and Partnerships department, Third Party Reporting, Keep Safe Scheme and Hate Crime Awareness.

Please see the timetable below:

3.30pm – Welcome/organisations introductions

PC Emily Noble – Role of PIP Dept and Hate Crime Awareness

PC Durant – Third Party Reporting

PC Claxton – Keep Safe Scheme

Sara from Victim Support


Thanking and closing.

Teams Event Link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3a1b425105babb4c4aad9c3738b66f2ad3%40thread.skype/1634216746096?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2287ec6875-71ce-4ea5-9b24-0a6e0437fce5%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22cf0b978f-955a-418f-9edc-0fbe62a4acc0%22%7d

This event is a partnership between:

Police Scotland, Multi Cultural Family Base (MCFB) and ELREC.



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